principal university law college
prof. dr. shazia N. Qureshi
Dr. Qureshi did her LL.B. from Punjab University Law College, Lahore with distinction. She obtained Gold Medal in the subject of Mercantile Law in LL.B; and, won the highly competitive British Commonwealth Scholarship for the LL.M Degree from the prestigious Cambridge University (U.K). Dr. Qureshi joined University Law College as the first ever female Lecturer (Law). She then further did her Ph.D. from Lancaster University, U.K. She then became the first ever female Professor (Law) and Principal in the history of University Law College. Dr. Qureshi did her specialization in International Law. Her specific area of interest is International Dispute Settlement, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law with special focus on Gender Rights.
Chancellor's Message
(Prof. Dr. Niaz Ahmad)
Being a member of a civilized society we are being governed by
laws not by men. In this current era of globalization law has become the essence of life.
No institution, in the country can be run without proper implementation of law. As far as, University Law College is concerned, it has national and international recognition & is performing a vital role to
impart legal knowledge for the sustainable development of legal education and research.
Importance of legal education was never at low ebb but now it has attained
paramount importance in a globalized society and growing corporate culture.
Law certainly sets the legal standards of justice and fairness in the society,
therefore, legal education also needs due care and justice with itself. Law College
right from its inception is being cognizant of the fact that standard of justice,
depends upon the quality of legal education and has never compromised on the standard of legal education.
Since 1868 University Law College, has catered for the needs of legal
profession by producing eminent lawyers, great jurists and judges.
Thevivacious evidence of this fact can be analyzed that most of the alumni
of University Law College have been serving in superior judiciary, legislature,
bureaucracy, public and private sectors at national and international level.
I think it is appropriate to mention that not only the future of this
great institution but also beloved country lies in your hands and wisdom.
It need not be stated that success of Pakistan will be tested through your
abilities and success. After attaining legal education, one must not forget
one's duty to those who may not have had access to acquire such knowledge &
legal orientation. I am sure that upholding the great traditions of this oldest
Law School in the subcontinent you will leave no stone unturned, to up hold the
standard of Justice, Fair-play and Equity, in order to alleviate the miseries
of down trodden segments of the society.
(Dr. Shazia N Qureshi)
education that we provide here is an amalgamation of modern trends
in education and strong traditions.
It would be proved beneficial for the youth of the country to
successfully cope with the fast evolving social and economic
international environment and get into mainstream. The college
provides all that is necessary
for its students, enabling them to develop both mentally and
The College has best equipped class rooms, computer labs, and a
library with more than hunderd thousand books! The college takes
pride in having a faculty which is no doubt “Crème de la Crème”, a
combination of experienced scholars and talented youth. We have
brought the best to teach the best, all under one roof.
We believe that in order to facilitate our students their parents
should have a role to play. We want to work in collaboration with
them as a team so that one day they can be proud of their sons and
daughters. In addition to this, our motto, “Progress and Prosperity”
coupled with hard work and dedication will help them to excel even
Many graduates of this college have already distinguished themselves
in the academics, research and in the field of law; some are
teaching in prestigious colleges and universities or heading
organizations at home and abroad.
To those of you who will be lucky enough to be finally selected, I
offer my heartiest congratulations. I have great faith in the
intellectual capabilities of the youth of this country, and pin high
hopes on them for a brighter tomorrow. I am sure that after
graduating from the University Law College, you too, will
distinguish yourself: bringing name and fame to yourself, the
college and the nation.
(Dr. Shazia N.

The University Law College is one of the
dynamic and progressive constituent colleges of the University of
the Punjab dedicated to the promotion of sound and advanced legal
studies in the subcontinent.
Law is body of principles embodying
social values, providing one of the principal instruments of change
and a frame work for justice through which changes in society,
technology and thinking modify. Thus, law plays an invaluable role
in bringing out reforms and stimulating in laying down the standards
and norm of behavior morality, justice, socio-cultural norms and
business practices.
It would be a naive to think that law
works in mathematical or mechanical ways.
One may agree with justice Oliver
Wendell Holmes that, “the
life of the law has not been logic: it has been experience… The law
embodies the story of a nation’s development through centuries, and
it cannot be dealt with as if it contained only the axioms and
corollaries of a book of mathematics”.
It is pertinent to mention that a large
number of alumni, are the prominent member of bar as well as are
holding eminent positions in higher judiciary in legal departments
of government as well as in multinational law firms throughout the
University administration, particularly
venerable vice chancellor, is highly interested to strengthen the
level of advance legal education and research in the law college.
My best wishes to the students
graduating today and the new comers, for you, a new and bright
career is awaiting. The field of law is wide open and it has reached
new horizons. If you are fully equipped, talented and prepared to
work hard, I am sure, every one of you would shine like a bright
star. I encourage you to have faith in your abilities for it is this
conviction that helps you face life’s challenges with confidence,
grit and determination. Stick to your own conscience and do not
stoop down to achieve your meaningful objectives. Keep the flag of
the justice, morality, rule of law and legal wisdom high and I wish
all success for you in your life.