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Mr. Sheikh Imtiaz Ali
(Sitara-i-Imtiaz) Professor Emeritus
M.A., LL.B. (Alig.), LL.M. (Pb.), LL.M. (Stanford), Former
Vice-Chancellor of Punjab University, former Vice-Chancellor of
Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad and Chairman of University Grants
Commission |
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Dr. Qureshi did her LL.B. from Punjab University Law College, Lahore with distinction. She obtained Gold Medal in the subject of Mercantile Law in LL.B; and, won the highly competitive British Commonwealth Scholarship for the LL.M Degree from the prestigious Cambridge University (U.K). Dr. Qureshi joined University Law College as the first ever female Lecturer (Law). She then further did her Ph.D. from Lancaster University, U.K. She then became the first ever female Professor (Law) and Principal in the history of University Law College. Dr. Qureshi did her specialization in International Law. Her specific area of interest is International Dispute Settlement, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law with special focus on Gender Rights.. |
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Joined in 1995 with LL.B. (Hons.) (Law and Sharia) from International Islamic University, Islamabad in 1992. Did his LL.M from the Punjab University in 1999. Ph.D. London, Faculty Advisor, Moot Court Society, 1996-97, attended Seminars. Solicitor of England and Wales. Former Associate Professor of South Asia University, New Dehli |
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Dr. Shahbaz Ahmad Cheema has recently completed Ph.D. from University of Warwick (U.K). He did LL.B. (Hons) from International Islamic University, Islamabad and LL.M. from Punjab University Law College. He joined University Law College as Lecturer in 2001. He is interested in Islamic Law, Criminal Law and Human Rights. |
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Dr. Naveed Ahmed’s research centers on exploring aspects of international economic law and regulation with a focus on international development, policy making, human rights, sustainable development and governance related issues. He is also interested in the intersections between Constitutional law of Pakistan, UK, US and administrative law. He has published on issues relating to the law and governance of the international financial institutions, rule of law, good governance, sustainable development and constitutional law. |
Associate Professors
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Name of Teacher |
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Dr. Naeemullah Khan
from University Law College, University of the Punjab, Lahore. He did his Ph.D in Law and Human Rights from Punjab University Law College in 2021. He has keen
interest in researching into the grey areas of Constitutional
Jurisprudence and International Business Transactions especially WTO
Laws. Besides the main arena of teaching. Dr. Khan is also acting as
a coordinator "Diploma in International Trade (WTO) Laws", an
adjunct faculty member at Hailey College of Commerce, University of
the Punjab, Lahore, for streamlining and providing guidance to
commerce students in Business and Industrial Laws.
He has been teaching the subject of Constitutional Law,
Administrative Law and Legal Systems of the Globalized World to
LL.B. Classes and the subject of International Economic Law
(International Business Transactions) to LL.M. classes since 2005 as
an Associate Teacher with Mr. Inaamul Haque, Former Executive
Director, World Bank and Adjunct Professor of International Trade
Law, University Law College, University of the Punjab and American
University, Washington D.C.
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Mr. Samee Ozair Khan
Joined Law College as Lecturer in 1990. LL.B. from International Islamic University, Islamabad in 1987 and LL.M. in 1991 from the same University. Teaching different Law subjects to different graduate (LL.B.) and LL.M. classes. Actively supervised various Curricular and Co-curricular activities at the College.
Assistant Professors
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Name of Teacher |
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Mr. Farooq Umair Niazi
Niazi, joined University Law College in 2001. Before joining
University Law College he worked as an Advocate High Court for about
nine years dealing mainly with Civil and Criminal cases both at
trail and appellate level. He did his LL.M from University Law
College, University of the Punjab with specialization in
International Trade Law. His areas of interest are Law of Evidence,
International Law and International Trade law.
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Ms. Rabia Razzaq
from University Law College, University of the Punjab, Lahore. She
did LLM. from University Law College. Her areas of interest are
Equity, Torts and English Jurisprudence. She has done thesis on
"Crime and Punishment".
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Ms. Zarfishan Qaiser
(Cont...) from University Law College, M.Sc. from College of Home
Economics, Lahore with distinction, LL.B. from Quaid-e-Azam Law
College, Lahore. She has secured overall first position in LL.B.
(Part-I) and LL.B. (Part-III) in University of the Punjab. She has
also been awarded gold medal and cash prize for securing highest
marks in Criminal Law. Ms. Zarfishan has interest in Jurisprudence
and Constitutional Law.
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Mr. Imran Alam
D.LL., D.T.L., from University Law College, University of the
Punjab, Lahore. M.A. (Philosophy) (Pb). LL.M. from Kingston
University, UK in 2007. He joined University Law College as Lecturer
in March 2010. He has specialized in E-Commerce and Cyber Crime
Laws. Furthermore, the subjects of his interest are law of contract,
administrative law and immigration laws.
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Dr. Zaheer Iqbal Cheema
Punjab University Gujranwala Campus as Lecturer in 2007 and Punjab
University Law College, Lahore in 2010. He has done Ph. D from University Kebangsaan Malaysia and LL.M. in
International Human Rights (UEL) and Diploma in International
Affairs (P.U). Teaching different law subjects to undergraduate
students. His area of interest is Human Rights and Interpretation of
6 |
Dr. Jawad Riaz
Ph. D. in Law and Human Rights from Punjab University Law Colelge, LL.M.
Human Rights
Islamic Jurisprudence
International Law
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Mrs. Maryam Ahsan
LL.B. (Hons) from University of London, LL.M. from Newcastle Law School/ University of Newcastle Upon Tyne from U.K. She has taught Company and European Union Law in U.K, specializes in Contract and Company Law.
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Dr. Ali Nawaz
Dr. Ali did his Ph. D from International Islamic University, Islamabad and LL.M. from University Law College. He remained the part of adjunct faculty of various Law Colleges in Lahore from 2001. He has joined University Law College in the year 2007. His area of interest in teaching is procedural Laws.
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Dr. Naveed ur Rehman
Naveed ur Rehman did his Ph. D in Law and Human Rights from Punjab University Law College. He passed his LL.M, and LL.B and DTL from the same College/University. His area of interest is Administrative Law
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Ms. Sehrish Neik Ch.
Sehrish Neik Ch has joined University Law College as Assistant Professor. She has completed her LLM and BA LLB (Hons) from University Law College. Before joining PULC, she has worked with the University of Lahore as an Assistant Professor. Her research interest included World Legal Systems and Contract Law.
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Ms. Sunbal Islam Ch.
She has done her BA LLB (Hons) from University Law College, LLM from South Asian University (SAARC), MSC Criminology & Security Studies from Punjab University and currently PHD Scholar. Teaching different law subjects to undergraduate students. Her area of interest is Jurisprudence, Philosophy of Law, International Law and Criminology.
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Name of Teacher |
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Mrs. Khujista Rehan
has done LL.B from (Punjab Law College) with distinction, an
affiliated college of Punjab University. Joined University Law
College in 2004. She has done LL.M. in Human Rights Law and Policy
and worked with Asia Pacific forum of United Nations; reviewed
legislations of different human rights institutions on the basis of
Paris principles across the Asia Pacific for the accreditation
committee meeting held in Geneva in October, 2010. Teaching
Administrative Law and Law of Torts and Easement to LL.B. classes.
She has interest in Constitutional Law and Human Rights.
Administrative Staff
Sr.# |
Name of Employee &
Designation |
1 |
Principal's Office
2 |
Dean's Office
Mr. Muhammad Sadique (Private Secretary)
Mr. Muhammad Nawaz (Junior Clerk)
Mr. Azmat Ali (Naib Qasid)
3 |
Computer Section
Mr. Sharafat Ali Virk (I.T

M.Sc. Information Technology from
Punajb University College of Information Technology (PUCIT), Lahore.
Mr. Muhammad Ali (Network Support Assistant)
Mr. Imran Rasheed (Lab Attendant)
4 |
Main Office
5 |
Library Staff
Mrs. Rabia Basri
Mr. Muhammad
Zahid khan (Senior Clerk)
Mr. Muhammad
Jamil (Assistant)
Mr. Muhammad
Shakeel (Daftri)
6 |
Accounts Section
Mr. Muhammad
Younas Khan (Senior Clerk)
Mr. Faisal Hanif
(Junior Clerk)
Ms. Nosheen
(Junior Clerk)
7 |
Semester Cell
8 |
Attendance Section
Mr. Faran Haider
Shah (Assistant)
Mr. Tariq Bhatti (Daftri)
9 |
Receipt, Dispatch and Issue Section
10 |
Afternoon Staff
11 |
Evening Staff
12 |
Sports Department
13 |
Technical Staff
Mr. Waqas Butt
(Electrician Helper)
Mr. Muhammad Nadeem
(Electrician Helper)
Mr. Muhammad
Haneef (Carpenter)